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                                                                                                               A person brought up, changes the World...


"A machine, by its working principle, is just a machine...
However, using a machine in harmony with another machine to do a useful job is all about innovation. With only such systems, we can serve to develop an innovative way of thinking..."
Ömer Hakan Yalın

Technikit experimental kits were designed by the engineers and designers who carry on their routine activities in the “Yalın Mekatronik” Company, which is the continuation of “Yalın Mekanik” Company established in 1978.


The Technikit design team, consisting of experts in mechatronics field, reflected their experience in developing multidisciplinary projects, to the "design of school experimental kits" project. During design studies the Technikit team, itself, who was supported by teachers and academicians that are expert in their fields, have exchanged ideas with the users, listened to their suggestions, and developed the system design according to their feedbacks.  


In 2016 the Technikit team, after embarking in 2010 and spending 16.500 Man Hour Work, presented the innovatively designed mechanical experimental kits to the brains' usage, that will shape the future. Technikit designers are aware that they are only at the very beginning of the road. The Technikit team is still making developements in the mechanical experimental kits and shares each developement with its clients,  while the R&D activities with other subjects continue...




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